FiltersTags Wat is je budget ? MinimumTo MaximumBrands All brands KlippanProducts tagged with klippan hope plaid Filter5 productsShow:12243672Sort by:Sort byPopularityNewest productsLowest priceHighest priceName ascendingName descendingKlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid MIDI 90x130cm made of 25% recycled wool YellowIn stock€56,95 QuantityKlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid MIDI 90x130cm made of 25% recycled wool BlueOut of stock€59,95 ViewKlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid MIDI 90x130cm made of 25% recycled wool greenIn stock€59,95 QuantityKlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid 130x200 made of 25% recycled Wool OrangeOut of stock€89,95 ViewKlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid 130x200 made of 25% recycled wool greenIn stock€89,95 QuantityFilterResetBrandKlippanCategoriesPlaidsKlippanOUR BRANDSGIFT GUIDE!Wool plaids50 tot 100 euroHOME ACCESSORIESSmall woolen plaidsSize130x200cm90x130cmColourBlueGreenYellow / MustardOrange / CinnamonPrice€€Apply filtersProducts tagged with klippan hope plaid5ProductsFilterSort bySort byDefaultPopularityNewestPrice (low to high)Price (high to low)Title Alphabetically (A-Z)Title Alphabetical (Z-A) KlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid MIDI 90x130cm made of 25% recycled wool Yellow€ 56,95 KlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid MIDI 90x130cm made of 25% recycled wool green€ 59,95 KlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid 130x200 made of 25% recycled wool green€ 89,95 KlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid 130x200 made of 25% recycled Wool Orange€ 89,95 KlippanKlippan Gooseye wool plaid MIDI 90x130cm made of 25% recycled wool Blue€ 59,95Show more resultsSorry! No results foundWe didn't find what you were looking for. Previous page To homepage