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Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.


Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.

Paper Collective Art Print 30x40cm Writing print without frame

53% sale
Product description

Multidisciplinary designers Lemon, together with artist Ronelle Pienaar Jenkin, have created a series of striking portraits and still lifes for Paper Collective. The art print 'Writing' is a still life consisting of leaves and flowers in black ink - a simple composition that takes you to a place of peace and relaxation.

Sustainable production

200 g of uncoated, FSC-certified, acid-free paper was used for the posters. Paper Collective is a sustainable company that produces locally in Denmark with only high-quality FSC certified material and under the Swan mark, the Swan ecolabel is the official sustainability label for the Scandinavian countries.


When purchasing a Paper Collective poster, you also contribute to a good cause. Paper Collective selects a charity every year. You are currently contributing to the construction of a school in Nepal for hundreds of children, this is currently being built.

View the entire Paper Collective collection.


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Paper Collective Paper Collective Print 30x40cm Writing
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