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Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.


Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.

Moebe Wall Mirror Ø 50cm (Various Models)

Product description

This large Moebe wall mirror of Ø50cm is perfect if you just have a little more space. Think of the hall and the bathroom, but certainly also very nice in the bedroom above a low cupboard.

Elegant wall mirror

The mirror is supported by a lightweight metal frame, this keeps the focus on the mirror and the metal frame provides a nice accent. The frame consists of 1 piece of bent brass / metal with only 5 bends. Hang the frame on the (supplied) hook on the wall. This mirror has a handy size of Ø50 cm: (H x W) 680 x 500 mm) and can be used in various spaces.

The Moebe wall mirror is available in different versions, choose the version that suits your style and the room where you want it. The metal frame provides the beautiful accent to the mirror and supports the sleek simple shape. The mirror is also available in 2 other sizes and a long format, for those who like to see themselves completely in the mirror. The same type of frame is used for all mirrors, which makes it possible to combine the mirrors well.

MOEBE - Danish design

MOEBE: “We wanted to design a wall mirror that would work in all situations and add a touch of elegance to every home. The simple construction of the wire that only slightly touches the glass makes the design simple and elegant. This allows people in all rooms to play with the mirror ”.

Moebe's focus is not to make it any more difficult than necessary and this is reflected in their designs by reducing everything to the essence. As a result, their designs consist of only a few parts, which can also be replaced individually if necessary if something is wrong. This makes all designs sustainable and simple to use, the Moebe wall mirror is a real example of this.

View the complete MOEBE collection.

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