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Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.


Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.

Moebe Smoked oak Lid for Moebe Storage Box Smoked Oak

Product description

A wonderful addition to the Storage box in smoked oak from Moebe. The lid slides easily into the Storage Box and is made of oak veneer, making it light to slide it back and forth.

Stack several storage boxes (max 3) on top of each other and place a lid on the top box, so that you cover everything you want to store. You can also use the Storage box with this lid as a side table with the sofa or armchair.

Perhaps the box contains a blanket and an extra pillow for a short reading break? Or maybe it's the perfect place to store all the kids' toys once they're no longer being played with.


MOEBE - Danish design

Moebe's focus is not to make it any more difficult than necessary and this is reflected in their designs by reducing everything to the essence. As a result, their designs consist of only a few parts, which can also be replaced individually if necessary if something is wrong. This makes all designs sustainable and simple to use.

View the complete MOEBE collection.

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