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Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.


Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.

Moebe Floating Leaves Transparant print 04 in different sizes (A4, A3)

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Product description

This leaf looks very real to me, but the Moebe Floating leaves print 04 is a photoprint. The Floating leaves print is a collective product of Moebe, Paper Collective and Norm Architects. These prints have been specially developed for the Moebe frames. The print of the leaf is printed on a transparent foil. The print is delivered without a frame, you can order it directly. You need the same format list as the format of the print. For example, if you opt for an A3 print, then you also need an A3 list.

Botanic prints

There are 9 different floating leaves prints, 2 in black and the others in colour. This floating leaves print number 04 is coloured and fits perfectly with an oak moebe frame. The transparent prints have beautiful photos of various plants. Imagine the effect if you frame a print in the also transparent Moebe frame and put it in the window frame, against the window. The light shines beautifully through it and it really becomes an eye-catcher in the window. But also placing it against the wall on your dresser or hanging on the wall has its own beautiful effect, because the background also plays a role here and the photos stand out. You can even doubt whether it is a print.

Floating leaves

The prints are the result of the collaboration that Moebe has entered into with 2 other Copenhagen studios: Norm Architects and Paper Collective. The Floating leaves prints are made in Denmark and are a UV print on transparent foil and available in various sizes.

Jonas Bjerre Poulsen / Norm Architects:
“The Floating Leaves are inspired by the gathering of botanical samples and classic botanical illustration.
Playing with a mix of fresh greens and elements of decay, the Leaves become an expression of passing
time and changing seasons. Through the transparency of print and frame the leaves get a unique sense
or multi-dimensionality achieved rarely in printed products. "

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Moebe Moebe Floating Leaves Transparant print 04
MoebeMoebe Floating Leaves Transparant print 04
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