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Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.


Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs.Belangrijk: a.s. maandag 3 februari worden er geen bestellingen verzonden i.v.m. bezoek inkoopbeurs. Alle bestellingen worden op dinsdag 4 februari verzonden.


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Tableware from Scandinavia

Tableware from Scandinavia is very popular because of the beautiful simple shapes and timeless design. A set table with a nice and simple service creates a pleasant atmosphere at the table. T

Tableware from Scandinavia is very popular because of the beautiful simple shapes and timeless design. A set table with a nice and simple service creates a pleasant atmosphere at the table. Tableware is a real utensil, something you need every day to be able to eat and drink. Of course, tableware is also something to enjoy by, for example, turning your coffee or tea into something special. Use a beautiful or special cup or cup and create a nice moment for yourself.


For many of the Scandinavian dinnerware, it applies that they are easy to combine with each other. In addition to the simple and calm patterns, there are also services that are more exuberant in terms of color and pattern use. The Finnish Marimekko is a good example of this. Although the colors and patterns differ from each other, this service is nevertheless very easy to combine with each other and this service is pre-eminently something that you give yourself or others as gifts.


A service usually consists of different parts. This is different for each type of service. With one brand you will find dishes that are more focused on dinner and have different plates and bowls in the collection, while another brand focuses more on coffee and tea. At Marimekko, on the other hand, all service items are well represented. They design new items throughout the year, including cups and teapots that are particularly easy to combine.

Special designs

Special designs and designs are often given as a gift in Scandinavia. But treating yourself to a special mug or cup is very common in Scandinavia. The Studio Arhoj tableware is (largely) handmade in its own studio in Copenhagen. They are all unique items and that makes them extra special. If you are in Copenhagen, feel free to visit his studio.




258 products
Marimekko Marimekko Oiva plate 15x12cm orange
MarimekkoMarimekko Oiva plate 15x12cm orange
In stock
      Marimekko Marimekko Valssi bowl 5dl
      MarimekkoMarimekko Valssi bowl 5dl
      In stock
          Marimekko Marimekko Valssi plate 20cm
          MarimekkoMarimekko Valssi plate 20cm
          In stock
              Marimekko Marimekko Valssi cup 2.5dl
              MarimekkoMarimekko Valssi cup 2.5dl
              In stock
                  Marimekko Marimekko Kukat puhkeavat plate 20cm
                  MarimekkoMarimekko Kukat puhkeavat plate 20cm
                  In stock
                      Marimekko Marimekko Kukat puhkeavat cup 2.5dl
                      MarimekkoMarimekko Kukat puhkeavat cup 2.5dl
                      In stock
                          Marimekko Marimekko Kukat puhkeavat bowl 3dl
                          MarimekkoMarimekko Kukat puhkeavat bowl 3dl
                          In stock
                              Marimekko Marimekko Piccolo 12x15cm plate pink
                              MarimekkoMarimekko Piccolo 12x15cm plate pink
                              In stock
                                  Marimekko Marimekko Piccolo cup 2.5dl pink
                                  MarimekkoMarimekko Piccolo cup 2.5dl pink
                                  In stock
                                      Marimekko Marimekko Unikko cup 4dl green pink
                                      MarimekkoMarimekko Unikko cup 4dl green pink
                                      In stock
                                          Marimekko Marimekko Piccolo cup 2.5dl black
                                          MarimekkoMarimekko Piccolo cup 2.5dl black
                                          In stock
                                              Marimekko Marimekko Piccolo plate 20cm black
                                              MarimekkoMarimekko Piccolo plate 20cm black
                                              In stock

                                                  Tableware from Scandinavia

                                                  Tableware from Scandinavia is very popular because of the beautiful simple shapes and timeless design. A set table with a nice and simple service creates a pleasant atmosphere at the table. Tableware is a real utensil, something you need every day to be able to eat and drink. Of course, tableware is also something to enjoy by, for example, turning your coffee or tea into something special. Use a beautiful or special cup or cup and create a nice moment for yourself.


                                                  For many of the Scandinavian dinnerware, it applies that they are easy to combine with each other. In addition to the simple and calm patterns, there are also services that are more exuberant in terms of color and pattern use. The Finnish Marimekko is a good example of this. Although the colors and patterns differ from each other, this service is nevertheless very easy to combine with each other and this service is pre-eminently something that you give yourself or others as gifts.


                                                  A service usually consists of different parts. This is different for each type of service. With one brand you will find dishes that are more focused on dinner and have different plates and bowls in the collection, while another brand focuses more on coffee and tea. At Marimekko, on the other hand, all service items are well represented. They design new items throughout the year, including cups and teapots that are particularly easy to combine.

                                                  Special designs

                                                  Special designs and designs are often given as a gift in Scandinavia. But treating yourself to a special mug or cup is very common in Scandinavia. The Studio Arhoj tableware is (largely) handmade in its own studio in Copenhagen. They are all unique items and that makes them extra special. If you are in Copenhagen, feel free to visit his studio.




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